Although this issue is a problem year round it seems to be highlighted most often at the beginning of the heating season. As a result of this I felt that some issues with and around it should be pointed out to everyone.
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, Odorless, tasteless by product of incomplete combustion of fuel-wood, nat. gas, Propane and others. Hundreds of people die each year nationwide from accidental Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. I like to believe that the majority of these deaths could have been prevented with education and greater awareness.
In Allegheny county last year during the heating season, October 1-May 31 there were 31 accidental poisonings with 24 being attributed to faulty heating systems and automobiles running in the garage(Source Allegheny County Health Department). Preventing these problems are as simple as having your furnace and water heater professionally serviced every fall-an investment of around 90-110 dollars from a firm performing a complete inspection and cleaning. It is also wise to have your chimney for your wood burner, fireplace, etc inspected and serviced if required.
Install a carbon monoxide alarm on each floor of your house.
Symptoms of CO poisoning may include any of the following:headaches, dizziness,weakness, nausea, rapid heart beat, loss of hearing, blurry vision, vomiting, disorientation, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.
Everyone is at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning! However, those with heart or lung diseases, the elderly, infants, children and pregnant women are most vulnerable.
If you experience symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning leave the area, home or building, completely-get out of there to the outside and call 911.
Please feel free to pass this information on to whomever you feel needs it. Who knows perhaps it may save their life