Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Green House Project

I was at a meeting yesterday at Action Housing here in Pittsburgh on their Green House Project.  This project is to be a place where home owners can go to get educated in what is being termed GREEN.  They can put their hands on it-see how it works-see how it is installed. 
Contractors can come for training, get some hands on time in a home designed to let them see and do with some of the new technologies.  Gain insights that perhaps a contractor might not get unless they installed something incorrectly. 
Provide opportunities for new business owners to explore technologies that they otherwise might only read about.  Provide Vendors/Manufacturers a place to display their Green products and show the consumer why it is not just good to go green but it is the right thing to do for our future.
Many home owners only hear what a contractor tells them.  This Green House will be a place where they can see it, feel it and hear about it without it being part of a Sales Pitch.  I am really excited to be a part of this along with the URA, Habitat for Humanity, Pittsburgh Green Inovation, MWELA and many more organizations.   If you would like to see more about it, perhaps participate in planning, be able to offer training,  anything to help move this forward you may contact Lindsay Ruprecht at Action Housing.
Learn What Green Is, Learn What Green Can Do For You, Learn It At The Pittsburgh Green House.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Clean and Check

Wow, can you believe that the hot weather is gone?  I know I sure can not.  It has been such a busy summer season.  I have had some wonderful opportunities come my way that have allowed me to learn and grow.  I hope that throughout this coming year I can provide some insight into that learning to help you.
It is that time of year again-The cold weather is coming and the furnace needs to be looked at so you have a reliable, efficient heat source for when it is cold outside. 
Along with this need to have a professional service your furnace come the ever increasing tv, radio and print advertisements $19.99 furnace clean and check, Free __________ with furnace clean and check and on and on....... 
Remember what Dad/Mom used to say "If it seems too good to be true then it probably is" 
Have you everbeen to one of those "Timeshare" presentations where it is so high pressure you think your eyeballs are gonna pop-or maybe you are at the used car lot down the street getting suckered into that vehicle that "the old lady used to drive on sundays".  Well that is what you are in for if you fall for one of these Schemes!
A proper furnace clean and check performed by a well trained proficient technician requires anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to perform.  This would include but not be limited to-Checking all electrical connections, inspection of the heat exchanger/exchangers, change the filter, clean the blower compartment and return elbow of the duct work, inspect the flue/chimney both internally and externally, leak check the gas line, Oil/grease the blower motor/bearings if applicable, check the thermostat and change the batteries, check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and change the batteries, perform a combustion analysis on the furnace and check for carbon monoxide leaks, Check all relays and valves for proper operation, visually inspect the ignitor, and provide you with a clearly written report of their inspection for your signature and explaining in common terms(so you can understand them) what if any repairs/upgrades they might recommend or need to be performed.
You can expect to invest around $80-100 for this service from a reputable company-yes there are some who will ask for a little less and some a little more but not $19.99!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly. 
Until next time Aloha and Mahalo!